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Does It Snow In Hawaii?

In 2010, during one of the cold and snowy stretches that hit the US, 49 out of 50 states had snow on the ground…Hawaii was the exception.  During the winter of 2009-10, Hawaii had virtually no snow to speak of.   With yet another cold and snowy winter on hand, on January 11/12, once again 49 out of 50 states had snow on the ground…Florida was the exception.

I recently saw a question on Yahoo Answers that asked about where one should go to see snow.  Although the asker was open to taking a trip to the mainland to do so, its really not necessary.

With Haleakala on Maui at 10,023′ above sea level, Mauna Loa at 13,679′ and Mauna Kea standing at 13,796′, both on the Big Island;  all three are subject to getting snow during the winter months.  This is especially true in January and February.

As a matter of fact, most years Mauna Kea receives enough snow that there is a ski club that takes advantage of the snowfall.  I don’t mean to imply its ever going to challenge Aspen as a ski destination since Mauna Kea probably only averages about a foot and a half of snow a year, but they do ski there.

Hawaii had snow on Haleakala, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea on January 11-12, 2011.  In fact, the weather service issued a winter storm warning for all three areas that day.  As you might imagine, Hawaii doesn’t actually spend a lot of money buying snow removal equipment, so they close the roads down until the snow melts off the roads, which usually only takes a day or two.

However, what that also means is, if you are planning on catching sunrise on Haleakala or visiting the summit of Mauna Kea to observe sunset or stopping at the Onizuka Visitors Center for their nightly star-gazing program during the winter months, you should check the weather reports and make sure the roads are open.

Snow on Mauna Loa as seen from the road to South Point, Big Island.

Inter-Island Competition May Be Evolving

Remember when Hawaiian and Aloha Airlines were the Inter-Island Choices?

Time was that the Hawaiian islands were served by two very competitive airlines; Aloha And Hawaiian Airlines.  A couple of decades ago, Aloha Airlines went out of business, with just Aloha Cargo left to carry the moniker.  In the intervening years, Go Airlines and Island Air have given Hawaiian Airlines a little competition, but Hawaiian Airlines remains the primary inter-island carrier to date.

Fast forward to the next decade and the air carrier picture could look much different.  With the recent purchase of Go Airlines by Lanai’s Larry Ellison, who already owns Island Air, there may be a re-awakening of inter-island competition.  With the addition of new aircraft in the form of fuel-efficient ATR-72’s and new leadership, Island Air could roll out some much needed relief in inter-island airfares.

Hawaiian Airlines recently added ATR-42’s to use in servicing Lanai and Molokai, Island Air’s primary routes.  Remember, Ellison originally purchased Island Air in order to improve air service to his resort island of Lanai.

Will Alaska Air and Southwest Airlines fly Inter-Island?

And, rumors continue about Southwest Airlines interest in the inter-island market since they are already preparing to add Hawaii to its routes.  There has also been talk of Alaska Airlines looking into inter-island flights in addition to the competition they already give Hawaiian Airlines into Hawaii from the west coast.

However all of this shakes out, the real winner at the end of all this jockeying for the inter-island market may just be the consumer, especially island residents who travel between islands for business and pleasure.  Of course, it could also help to boost outer-island tourist numbers as well.  It could mean all the difference in a one-island visit or a multi-island experience to budget conscious travelers.

Care to share your thoughts and insights on this inter-island question?

Hawaiian Luau

Luau…a Hawaiian-style buffet!

One of the favorite activities for locals and visitors alike is eating and nothing defines Hawaiian food more than a luau!

Hawaii is famous for its “luaus”, a Hawaiian style buffet of foods featuring an imu(pit)-cooked pig.  This “kalua pig” is made by first digging a hole in the ground, approximately 6-7′ across and about 3′ deep.  This pit is then lined with smooth lava rocks and as much firewood as it will hold.

The idea is for the fire to heat up the rocks, which will provide most of the heat to cook the pig.  Chicken wire is most commonly used to wrap the pig in and to hold it together after it is cooked.  The pig is cleaned and liberally salted with Hawaiian salt.  The open cavity and slits which are cut at each leg joint have hot rocks stuck into them.

Directly on top of the coals are placed banana stumps, which have been split down the middle, and lots and lots of ti-leaves.  Both of these provide added moisture, as well as adding a smokey smell to the cooked pork.  The pig is placed on top of this layer of stumps and leaves, covered by more ti-leaves, then its all covered with wet burlap bags to help keep the smoke in and the dirt out.  More recently, plastic tarps have been used, as burlap bags get harder and harder to obtain.  Yes, the final step is to bury the whole pile with dirt until there is no more steam escaping from this earthen oven.

Now, all that’s left is the waiting…usually about 8 to 10-hours, depending on the size of the pig.  Once its determined to be cooked, the process is reversed and the pig lifted using the chicken wire cradle to transport it to where ever the final breaking up and serving will be done.  (The best pieces are the crispy bits of skin that are stuck to the chicken wire!)

That’s the traditional kalua pig.  Today, most of the kalua pig served at restaurants throughout the state are prepared in commercial sized ovens.   Still flavored with Hawaiian salt and lots of ti-leaves for that smoky flavor expected from kalua pig.

If you can get your hands on ti-leaves, you can make your own oven kalua pig…see the recipe section for the recipe.

Of course, the kalua pig is just the main course served at a luau.  You will typically also get chicken long-rice (not sure just how this Chinese dish came to be a staple at a Hawaiian luau, but…), fried chicken (always a good fall back for picky eaters), rice, macaroni salad (of course), poi, lomi-salmon or ahi, and the usual salad spread.

Dessert is often headlined with haupia (a coconut pudding) and a variety of cakes.  Drinks are often included with the luau, although, if you go to the luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center, these will be non-alcoholic drinks, as the PCC is both sponsored and operated by the Mormon Church of Hawaii.

Oahu Favorite Luaus

Probably the best luau and accompanying show on Oahu is the one held at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  The next best, especially for those desiring alcoholic beverages and/or an audience participation type show, would be a toss up between Germaine’s and Paradise Cove, both located near the Ko Olina Resort on the west shores of Oahu.

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Go Oahu Card On Sale thru Sept 24th!  Expired



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Akatsuka Orchid Gardens, Volcano, Hawaii

Akatsuka Orchid Gardens

If you are a flower lover and especially if you are an orchid lover, you will want to plan a stop at the Akatsuka Orchid Gardens in Volcano, Hawaii…that’s the Big Island of Hawaii.  And, yes, there is a town called Volcano, which as the name implies is situated adjacent to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

The weather in this area is almost ideal for growing orchids and anthuriums.   As a matter of fact, in nearby Mountain View, they grow a lot of anthuriums since they love the damp, cool weather that envelopes this part of the island.  I have an aunt who used to live there and  2/3rds of her yard was fern tree shaded and filled with anthuriums of every shape, size and color imaginable.  Of course, that also meant it was also heavily infested by mosquitoes…they also love those damp conditions.

The Akatsuka Orchid Gardens is located on Hwy 19, the main around-the-island highway, between Mountain View and Volcano.  If you’re lucky, your stop will not coincide with one of the many tour buses that stop here daily.  You will find everything from the common orchids to some species that are endangered, from tiny quarter sized flowers to hand-sized blooms, and all the expertise to help give you tips on how to raise your own back home.

Akatsuka Orchid Gardens

The view that greets you upon entering the Akatsuka Orchid Gardens

Akatsuka Orchid GardensOrchid at Akatsuka Orchid Farm

Akatsuka Orchid Gardens

More of the beautiful orchids on display






Bring with you or Ship them home

You can select the orchid plants that you want and they will either pack it for you to take with you on your plane ride home or they will ship it back to you, whichever you prefer. All of their plants are pre-inspected by the Hawaii Agricultural Department and certified pest free so that you can get them pass the Agricultural inspection at the airport. (I think the exceptions to that include Arizona, which does not permit orchids to be imported into the state.)

You can also go to the Akatsuka Orchid Gardens website and order online, if a trip to the Big Island is not in your immediate future.  You will also find tips on growing orchids there.

Discarded Fishing Nets help Hawaii attain its Energy Goal

Transforming Discarded Nets Into Energy

Everyone and anyone who has ever taken a walk along Hawaii’s beautiful shorelines has come across discarded fishing nets washed up by the tides.  What many don’t realize is that the vast majority of these nets originate thousands of miles from Hawaii!

Until fairly recently, they have just been an eye sore and environmental hazard, but now, they are being transformed into electricity that helps to power Honolulu’s energy needs.  While they may not make up much of the fuel burned daily, it is a smart, clean way to help rid the islands of this problem.

CNN recently filed this video report on the problem and solution.  Click on the link to view it.

CNN Report on Transforming discarded fishing nets into energy.

70% Renewable Energy Goal by 2030

You may or may not be aware that Hawaii has established an admirable and aggressive state-wide goal of 70% of its energy needs coming from renewable sources by the year 2030.  As the CNN video reported, the burning of trash provides up to 10% of the state’s energy needs.

Obviously, wind and solar energy will also be a big part of the solution to meeting this goal.  Bio-mass burning has also been providing energy for quite some time now, including the burning of sugar cane baggasse (the plant material left over once the sugar is extracted) on Maui.

HC&S has been burning bagasse for decades to generate  electricity.   HC&S burns 500,000 tons of bagasse a year, which produces energy equivalent to 500,000 barrels of oil.  This not only provides for all of their energy needs, but also provides 7-8% of all the power used on Maui, which is distributed by Maui Electric.  That not only provides energy, but also helps to keep the litter problem under control as well.

Wind power has been the focus in recent years and with each new wind farm proposed, there comes the protests from local residents and environmentalists, who are at odds with their goal of conserving natural resources and intruding upon local plants, wildlife, and cultural sites.  That problem is not unique to Hawaii.

Everybody supports the idea of wind and solar energy providing renewable energy, but just as universally, just about everyone wants it generated somewhere other than in their neighborhood.  (Likewise, nobody likes the traffic and pollution all that traffic generates, but support of the mass transit rail system has been opposed since the idea first surfaced over a decade ago.)

What cost are we willing to pay for progress towards a cleaner environment?


A Drive Around The Big Island, Part 1

Looking at a map, its easy to think that you can make a leisurely day trip, driving around the Big Island of Hawaii, on Hwy’s 11 and 19 that circles the island.  You would be badly mistaken in attempting to do so, unless simply driving is your goal.

Since most visitors to the island base their stay in the Kona area on the western shores, let’s start our drive from there.  You have 3 options open to you.  You can head north and drive along the coast on Hwy 19 until it turns inland towards Waimea (sometimes referred to as Kamuela).  You could head south along Hwy 19 (aka Mamalahoa Hwy)  or you could take the Saddle Road between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, ending in Hilo.

If you were to head north on Hwy 19 (aka Queen Kaahumanu Hwy) and then continued along the shore, rather than heading inland towards Waimea, you would arrive shortly at the Pu’ukohola Heiau National Historical Park.  This is the largest heiau in the state and they are working hard on restoring it.

A few miles further along and you will come to Kawaihae Harbor.  It is a commercial port and not much there, although they do have a small strip center that houses some of the work of local artisans.

You could continue on Hwy 270 to the northern tip of the island at Upolu Point, near the birthplace of King Kamehameha the Great,  just short of the town of Hawi.  Hawi is often mentioned as the site of the original King Kamehameha statue., although it is actually located in the town of Kapaau, just beyond Hawi.  And, while you’re in the area, the first zip-line on the island of Hawaii operates out of Hawi, Big Island Eco Adventures.

Original King Kamehameha Statue, Kapaau, Big Island

From Hawi, you would take Hwy 270 over the Kohala Mountains and arrive in Waimea and back on Hwy 19.  Waimea makes a great spot to stop for lunch…you can stop at McDonald’s or one of the other familiar fast food restaurants or treat yourself to something more local.

Give the Hawaiian Style Cafe a try, located at 64-1290 Kawaihae Rd (aka Hwy 19).  They are a locally owned and operated casual, local food eatery.  While it will never grab a A+ rating from the Chamber of Commerce for appearance or from Fodor’s for cleanliness or taste, they do have large portions, which is what most of the locals are attracted by, including a monster version of loco-moco.  Caution:  they close by 1:30 pm, sometimes earlier, if they run out of food for the day.

If you arrive too late or prefer quality rather than just quantity, drive down another mile and give Huli Sue’s a try.  It will cost you a bit more than Hawaiian Style Cafe, but the food is excellent.  The canning jar drink glasses are a nice touch to this cozy atmosphere…kind of like a scaled down version of Cracker Barrel.

After you’ve had your lunch, continue another 15 minutes or so along Hwy 19 and you’ll come to Honokaa, home of the Hawaiian Holiday Macadamia Nut Company.  To be honest, I have not visited their factory, but that doesn’t take away from my enjoying their candies.

Another half-hour towards Hilo, you will come to the turn off for Akaka Falls, about 2 miles off the highway.   When you arrive at the parking lot, you will have a half-hour hike ahead of you on a paved trail that takes you by giant bamboo and ferns on the way to the viewing area, across from the falls.  (I suggest you take your valuables with you, as there have been break-ins there.)

Part of the walkway to Akaka Falls

Akaka Fallls, Big Island

Twenty minutes or so after leaving Akaka Falls will find you arriving in Hilo.   This is kind of the half-way point of your drive around the island.  Its also a good place to fill up your gas tank as the gas here is about 15-20 cents a gallon cheaper than it is in the Kona area.

I’ll continue with this drive in Part 2 and Part 3.

8 Facts To Consider When Flying

According to a recent article on Budget Travel newsletter, there are some interesting things you may want to think about the next time you fly.  Then again, they may be things you don’t really want to think about, if you’re the nervous flyer type.

  1. The scales the airlines use to weigh and charge you for overweight baggage…may not be accurate.   So, you may want to do as I do and weigh your luggage before arriving at the airport and be ready to dispute their scales if they show a significant difference, especially if they are planning on charging you an excess weight fee!  [Update 2/28/2013: I recently weighed my suitcase at 48 lb 8 oz and when I checked in, airlines scale read 51.5 lbs.  With a weight limit of 50 lbs, it was close and I was ready to dispute it, but the agent let it go.]
  2. The air re-circulated throughout the airplane may make you sick.  Its bad enough that we have to put up with any germs a sick passenger may be passing around, but the FAA is now looking into seeing whether or not jet fumes may also be getting into the plane.
  3. Just because you booked a flight on a non-stop flight doesn’t mean you will get one!  The airlines is under no obligation to put you on a non-stop flight and can change your itinerary.
  4. You will not necessarily be told if there was a problem on the plane you’re flying on.  FAA does not require the airlines to tell you about any engine problems or other issues.
  5. Although you’re happy knowing that you’ve got a window or aisle seat reserved, that doesn’t mean the airline has to give it to you.  As airlines continue to squeeze as much as they can out of their routes and planes, they can change planes to a smaller one and in the process, shift everyone’s seating assignments. [Update 2/28/13:  In a recent post, I mention having our seats reassigned randomly, so even without an equipment change to a different model plane, it can and does happen!]
  6. Did you realize that the odds are the planes you’re flying on are older than the car you drive?  The average plane on the major US carriers tend to be over 10 years old.  American Airlines MD-80’s average 18 years old, Delta/Northwest DC-9’s average 9 years old.
  7. The flight crew may not be as rested as we’d like to have them.  If you think you suffer from jetlag…imagine your flight crew feeling the same affects with even less sleep than you got.
  8. Do you travel with a favorite airline?  Check your tickets close, you may or may not be flying with them.   Airlines have been share-coding for years and its not getting any simpler as airlines cut back on flights, but need to get their passengers from one airport to another…sometimes via airports they don’t serve directly or with convenient connections.  Not a big deal, unless it happens to be on an airline you purposely avoid.  [Update: Our choice of airlines continue to dwindle, Continental/United merged, American/USAirways about to merge, makes things even more confusing at times.]

Anyway, just thought I’d pass along the highlights.  Click on the link above to read the full article.

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