Nani Moon Mead…Hawaiian Honey Wines
- 03.03.25
- General, Kauai, Honey Wine, Kauai, Mead, Nani Mood Mead
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Nani Moon Mead, LLC, is the only producer of tropical honey wines in the state of Hawaii and can be found in Kapa’a, Kauai. Made with locally produced honey and locally grown fruits and without the use of any sulfites or other artificial chemicals, they currently produce five different varieties of honey wine.
Gung Hee Fat Choy!
Happy Chinese New Year!
January 23rd, marks the start of the Chinese New Year, with 2012 being the Year of the Dragon, more specifically, the Year of the Water Dragon. Traditionally celebrations are held for fifteen days, this year ending on February 6. Having said that, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated over differing periods […]
The Waikiki Aquarium Opens New Exhibit
The Waikiki Aquarium, unveiled its Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Exhibit featuring sea-life from over 7,000 marine species, a quarter of which are found nowhere else.
Pu’u O’o Flows From Crater 8/3/2011
USGS HVO News Release
August 3, 2011
HAWAI’I ISLAND, Hawaii — At 2:05 p.m., HST, this afternoon, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) monitoring network detected the onset of rapid deflation of the Pu`u `Ō `ō crater floor. Soon thereafter, at 2:20 p.m., lava broke out at the base of the west flank of the Pu`u `Ō […]
How many islands should you plan on visiting?
- 03.01.25
- General, Hawaii...The Big Island, Kauai, Maui, Oahu, Big Island, Hawaiian Vacation, Honolulu, Kauai, Maui, Oahu
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Visit one…two…or all of them?
One of the biggest mistake many first-time visitors to the Aloha State make is to try and take in too much of the island experience with too little time. While on paper, it might seem like you could spend a week and island-hop until you’ve taken in the six major islands, […]
Paper or Plastic? No longer a choice on Maui
- 03.01.25
- Lanai, Maui, Molokai
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This question will no longer be asked on Maui, once the new ordinance goes into effect banning the use of plastic bags at checkouts throughout Maui County. Maui County includes the islands of Maui, Lanai and Molokai.
The new county ordinance is scheduled to take effect January 11, 2011, once Mayor Tavares signs off on it. […]
Timeshare Owners Facing Higher Occupancy Taxes
Two recent bills under consideration are aimed at leveling the playing field between timeshares and traditional room rentals. The current formula used to calculate the value of a timeshare when used by its owner appears to undervalue the market value of that unit and therefore the occupancy tax paid by the owner.
HB 809 and HB1163 […]
Hawaiian Airlines Raises Inter-Island First Checked Bag Fee
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Hawaiian Airlines Inter-island Fee Raises to $17 for 1st Bag
Starting September 1, 2011, passengers flying Hawaiian Airlines between the islands will face a higher checked baggage fee for the first bag checked. The current $10 inter-island bag fee will rise to $17. The […]