Ever Heard of the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company?
The Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, better known as HC&S, is the last surviving sugar plantation in Hawaii. Located on the island of Maui, it was the first business venture of Alexander & Baldwin, in 1869. That’s when boyhood friends, Samuel Alexander and Henry Baldwin, purchased 12 acres and after adding another 559 acres, […]
Stories of Pele, Hawaiian Goddess of Fire
- 03.27.25
- General, Hawaii...The Big Island, Pele, Volcano, Volcano House
Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire
who makes her home in Kilauea at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. There are many stories of her origins, many of which are similar to stories of Maori’an legends in New Zealand.
In addition to the legends of how Pele came to make her home on the Big Island, there are […]
Is That Really Mahi-Mahi You’re Eating?
- 03.26.25
- General, Mislabeling of Seafood
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“DNA testing is now confirming anecdotal reports that seafood fraud is disturbingly widespread. Both scientists and amateur seafood sleuths have exposed seafood fraud across the U.S. and Europe. A recent review found false labels on more than one-third of fish (Jacquet and Pauly 2008), while other research found one-quarter of fish tested in the […]
Hawaiian Monk Seals Endangered
- 03.25.25
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This is an un-authorized partial re-print of an article at www.hawaiinewsnow.com:
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – By its Hawaiian names, Hawaiian monk seals are called “the furry one” and “the dog that runs in rough seas.” They are found only in Hawaii and they are in crisis.
“They’re very slow breeding marine mammals. They only have […]
Best Cinema Filmed in Hawaii
- 03.25.25
- General
While I am not putting myself out there as any sort of self-proclaimed movie critic, I just wanted to share some favorite movies and shows that were filmed in Hawaii. I’m sure everyone has at least a handful of favorite movies that were filmed either in whole or in part in the 50th state. Some […]
Coffee Berry Borers Update
- 03.24.25
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Coffee Berry Borers Still Big Island Only
On September 2, 2010, Dr. H.C. Bittenbender (University of Hawaii CTAHR) and graduate student Elsie Burbano (University of Hawaii PEPS) alerted The Hawaii Department of Agriculture of Coffee Berry Borers heavily infesting coffee berries in the Kona region of the Big Island. In May of 2011, they were found […]
Airline “Fees”…Enough Already!
- 03.23.25
- General, airline add-on fees
- 1 Comment
Passenger Add-on Fees
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how these passenger add on fees continue to make the cost of traveling hard to calculate. I understand when fuel prices go up, ticket prices must go up as well. I get that.
But, when fuel prices come down and airlines continue to charge a […]
Hawaii Camping – Is it For You?
- 03.23.25
- General, camping hawaii, camping in Hawaii
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Hawaii Camping – Is it For You?
By Cindy Blankenship
If you like camping, you may want to consider camping in Hawaii. Besides saving you thousands on accommodations, sleeping and waking up to sound of the ocean or forest is a wonderful way to relax into the rhythm of the island.
Now, […]