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Archive for the 'General' Category

Hawaii Magazine…Taste of the Islands Every 60 Days

I have to admit, the Hawaii Magazine is one of my favorite magazines. My only complaint with it is that it only brings me a glimpse of Hawaii six times a year! I wish it was a monthly publication, but six times a year is better than not at all. Their articles well researched, well written and their photos invigorating!

Rental Car Availability for Christmas Vacation

Christmas Car Rentals
While it may seem a bit early to be thinking about Christmas, you should know that the car rental companies have already reported that there are NO rentals available for the week of Christmas, except on the island of Oahu.  So, if you are planning an outer-island Christmas vacation, you may not be […]

Hawaiian Grown Coffee Make Excellent Gifts

Kona Coffee
While Kona Coffee is recognized throughout the world as an exceptionally smooth drink, Hawaii offers more than just the famous Kona Coffee. In the last 20 years, more and more growers have turned to coffee to replace pineapple and sugar cane as cash crops. Hawaii has the unique growing conditions that coffee plants thrive […]

Restoring and Protecting the Islets of Hawaii

Some of the efforts underway to restore and preserve the many islets that surround the major Hawaiian islands and the endemic and indigenous species.

Hawaii Helicopter Tours

Planning a Hawaiian vacation? Make sure to include a helicopter flight to your list of things to do. Only from the air will you be able to thoroughly see and experience such things as fiery volcanoes, plunging waterfalls, sheer sea cliffs, spouting whales, and lush rainforests. And you’ll do it in less than 60 minutes.

Ever Heard of the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company?

The Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, better known as HC&S, is the last surviving sugar plantation in Hawaii.   Located on the island of Maui, it was the first business venture of Alexander & Baldwin, in 1869.  That’s when boyhood friends, Samuel Alexander and Henry Baldwin, purchased 12 acres and after adding another 559 acres, […]

Stories of Pele, Hawaiian Goddess of Fire

Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire
who makes her home in Kilauea at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.  There are many stories of her origins, many of which are similar to stories of Maori’an legends in New Zealand.
In addition to the legends of how Pele came to make her home on the Big Island, there are […]

Is That Really Mahi-Mahi You’re Eating?

“DNA testing is now confirming anecdotal reports that seafood fraud is disturbingly widespread. Both scientists and amateur seafood sleuths have exposed seafood fraud across the U.S. and Europe. A recent review found false labels on more than one-third of fish (Jacquet and Pauly 2008), while other research found one-quarter of fish tested in the […]

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