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More Haunted Places in Hawaii

The Kaimuki House

There are several stories that are recorded about events that unfolded at this Kaimuki house.  At least a couple of them were documented by police reports, which give them added credibility over many other paranormal activities.  Although the actual house has not been revealed out of respect for the privacy of the current owners, there was a case of mistaken identity which caused one home in the area to remain unsold for many years because people “thought” that it was the affected house.

As the stories go, one couple was attacked by unseen forces and it made enough noise that neighbors called the police to report a domestic disturbance.  When the police arrived, the couple could only say that they were attacked and thrown about the house by something that they could not see!    Another story credited to this house is that a man had murdered his wife, son, and daughter.  The bodies of his wife and son were found buried in the backyard, but the body of his daughter has never been found.  And, there was also a case involving a lesbian couple.  One of the women had an affair with a man and when the man found out about her lover, he got enraged and killed both of the women, before killing himself in this particular Kaimuki residence.

The best accounting of these and other events that occurred at this location can be found at

Night Marchers

Night Marchers are said to roam through very specific locations on the islands, between seashore and mountains and are often recognized by their raised torches and repeated olis, or chants.  Although there have been a few scattered reports of daytime marches, these apparitions appear to be most active at night and are said to march on certain nights designated by the moon.

There doesn’t seem to be a real consensus on what phase of the moon, as I have read the 14th, 27th, and 28th night after a new moon, but then read it is on moonless nights, as well.  The 14th night after a new moon is very close to a full-moon.  Those who are in the know about such things can tell you what night’s the marchers will be on the move, but are not likely to share such information with you.

What to do if you happen upon a night march in progress?  The ghostly procession must never be interrupted. Legend has it that resting your eyes upon the Night Marchers could signal a grim fate for the perpetrator, a friend or relative, so witnesses are urged to crouch low to the ground, “play dead” and avert the eyes.  Any sound or movement could invite a Night Marcher’s deadly glance.

Many Hawaiians say that in the presence of night marchers, you should lie down on your stomach, keep your face down with your eyes averted so as not to make eye-contact, stay quiet, breathe shallowly, and don’t move.  Some say that they may nudge you to provoke a reaction so they can take you.  Simply put, it is best if you simply get out of the way and hide until they have completely passed.

Here’s a great website that tells a first-hand accounting of the Night Marchers of Kawaihae on the Big Island.

More stories…

The 16th Avenue bridge in Kaimuki: Six years ago, a little girl was killed in a hit-and-run on this bridge. Residents say her spirit still haunts the area, asking pedestrians for help home, only to disappear at the end of the bridge.

Kipapa Gulch in Mililani: This was the site of a major battle in Hawaiian history. The bridge that spans the ravine has been the site of numerous head-on accidents. The gulch is also supposedly on the path of the night marchers, who proceed with torches from the mountains to the ocean. Residents and those who work in the area have reported seeing lights move down the mountainside and into the gulch and hearing the sounds of people crying under the bridge.

Oahu Community Correctional Center, 2199 Kamehameha Highway in Kalihi: This 950-bed jail is on the site of the former Oahu Prison. The gallows, where 47 men were hanged from 1909 to 1944, was converted into an office. Guards say they have difficulty sleeping in the squad room, which is located next to the execution chamber. And prisoners have reported hearing cell doors rattle.

This site lists a number of places and stories told of strange happenings over the years…

You will find many haunted locations on Oahu at this site…

For more locations around the islands can be found here…

try for a collection of over 50 first-hand stories.

And, probably one of the coolest websites focused on haunted Hawaii, although it can be a little slow loading at times…

Ghost Tours of Oahu

Honolulu Ghost Tours, Downtown Honolulu, Roberts Hawaii

The Original Oahu Ghost Tours

Mysteries of Honolulu Tours (see “Obake Hunting in October” post)



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