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A Drive Around The Big Island, Part 3

When you leave the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, you will be turning to the left to continue your circle the island drive.  Just a few miles down the road, if you turn right at the sign that directs you to the golf course, you will find the Volcano Winery.
I doubt that this little winery will […]

A Drive Around The Big Island, Part 1

Looking at a map, its easy to think that you can make a leisurely day trip, driving around the Big Island of Hawaii, on Hwy’s 11 and 19 that circles the island. You would be badly mistaken in attempting to do so, unless simply driving is your goal.

A Drive Around The Big Island, Part 2

Big Island, Part 2 of 3
While you’re in Hilo, you might want to make a short side trip to Rainbow Falls, located just outside of downtown Hilo along the Wailuku river.   It is one of the more accessible waterfalls on the Big Island.  I will post another article later with more information about Hilo.
One Hilo […]

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